cold neutron

英 [kəʊld ˈnjuːtrɒn] 美 [koʊld ˈnuːtrɑːn]




  1. The safety in a cold neutron source ( CNS) includes nuclear safety, radiation safety and hydrogen safety, with the latter being the most comprehensive.
  2. Exploration of mathematic model on void fraction of moderator cell of cold neutron source
  3. The feasibility of the new cooling method in the world, two-phase thermo-siphon with auxiliary cooling, was studied in order to resolving the difficulties in the design of China Advanced Research Reactor ( CARR) cold neutron source ( CNS).
  4. Study of Self-Regulating Characteristics for a Closed-thermo-siphon Loop of Cold Neutron Source ( CNS) in Research Reactors
  5. Experimental Investigation of Two-Phase Countercurrent Flow Limit in Hydrogen Thermosiphon Loop of Cold Neutron Source
  6. Numerical Analysis of Stress and Design of Structure Based on Vacuum Cold-Box of Cold Neutron Source
  7. Simulation Study on the Cold Neutron Guides in China Advanced Research Reactor
  8. Mockup Tests of Void Fraction in Moderator Cell and Two-phase Thermosiphon Loop of Cold Neutron Source in China Advanced Research Reactor
  9. Cold neutron source to be established at a research reactor
  10. Present Situation and Prospect of Cold Neutron Source ( CNS) of Reactor in China
  11. The axial heat transfer performance of a natural circulation, which could be used in the cold neutron source ( CNS), was experimentally investigated.
  12. Almost each new constructed research reactor had installed CNS with the reason that cold neutron scattering experiment is the outstanding in neutron scattering experiment research.
  13. Effect of the Size of Cold Neutron Source on Neutron Fluence Rate at Exit of Cold Neutron Guides
  14. A series of calculation methods were established in order to calculate the nuclear heating and gain factor accurately, which are two important parameters of hydrogen circulation for the cold neutron source ( CNS) in China Advanced Research Reactor ( CARR).
  15. Simulation Study for the Influences of Fluid Physical Properties on Void Fraction of Moderator Cell of Cold Neutron Source
  16. We investigate the influence of different hyperon couplings from analysis of various experimental data on hypernuclei on the composition and equation of state of cold neutron star.
  17. Application of Cryogenic Refrigerating Techniques in Cold Neutron Sources
  18. Study on self-regulation characteristics of closed two-phase thermo-siphon for cold neutron source
  19. Conceptual design of the hydrogen system of cold neutron source ( CNS) in China Advanced Research Reactor ( CARR) was proposed, and feasibility test was carried out.
  20. Strength Analysis for Moderator Cell of Cold Neutron Source on Research Reactor
  21. In this paper, four kinds of flow schemes which are refrigerated by two-stage turbine expander are respectively analyzed in terms of energy and exergy, based on the improved analysis and design for the system of cold neutron source by using reverse Brayton cycle.
  22. Analysis of Helium Cryogenic Cycle for the Cooling of Cold Neutron Source
  23. Present Status of Cold Neutron Source System on Research Reactor
  24. Cold Neutron Source ( CNS) is one of the important systems through which China Advanced Research Reactor ( CARR) could be used as important application platform of Neutron Scattering Experiment.
  25. Study on the Critical Heat Flow Rate of Hydrogen Thermosyphon in Cold Neutron Sources
  26. Cold Neutrons, provided by Cold Neutron Source ( CNS) on research reactor, have been used for conducting neutron scattering experiments, which has been getting wider and wider applications in many fundamental and applied science fields.
  27. The principle of CNS is that high-gain cold neutron is obtained by decreasing the velocity and increasing the density of neutron beams which produced from reactor core moderator.
  28. By analysis of cold neutron flux distribution in moderator cell, the configuration of new crescent moderator cell is brought forward, in which the horizontal cross-section of liquid hydrogen is crescent and outer container is cylinder.